WikiLeaks Informant Will Audit Nym Mixnet Security
WikiLeaks informant and former US soldier Chelsea Manning has joined Nym as a security consultant. As a result, she will audit confidential infrastructure to ensure no data is leaked after launch.
Nym is an open source, decentralized public privacy system. The nodes of the network, which the developers call mixnet, “mix” user traffic, excluding the disclosure of metadata. For doing so they receive a reward in NYM tokens, the project’s native token.
In spite of comparisons to software designed to implement so-called onion routing, the Nym CEO Harry Halpin says the company is not looking at the mixnet as an alternative to Tor.
The first testnet of Nym, which launched in April 2020, suffered a Sibyl attack. Finney, which is the current testnet, has overtaken Tor in the number of nodes (10,295 nodes vs. 8,447).