Axie Infinity Sets Deadline for Returning Stolen Assets

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Sky Mavis, the company behind the blockchain game Axie Infinity, expects to return at least part of the cryptocurrency stolen by a hacker. However, the project team has acknowledged the process will take time, Bloomberg reports.

Sky Mavis COO Aleksander Leonard Larsen has said:

“We assume that within two years some funds will be restored. Two years is a good time for Axie to get more information. We are here for the long haul.”

According to him, the company is working with several law enforcement agencies to trace and return tokens, mainly Ethereum. He has not disclosed any details of the investigation.

Rishav Rai, a chief investigator at crypto-security firm Merkle Science, has noted that it is “very rare” to recover all the stolen funds from major attacks. On the other hand, after such incidents, it is extremely difficult for hackers to launder assets.

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