
Google Search Requests on Crypto Hits All-time High

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According to Google Trends, the number of Google search requests on cryptocurrency have reached a new record in the US and in the rest of the world.

As such, searches on the topic “cryptocurrency” jumped to a new ATH between May 9-15, when the asset was trading at about $50,000.

We should remember that topics on Google Trends include other related terms, not just the word cryptocurrency in this case, which suggests that the interest of users in the market as a whole increased sharply during that week.

This recent record could be associated to different facts. For example, users probably wanted to find more information about cryptocurrencies, and Ethereum in particular, when its price crossed the $4,000 for the first time in its history just a few weeks ago. At the same time, Ethereum miners revenue also hit a record high when the crypto surpassed the $4,000 barrier, so this fact probably also grabbed the interest of users.

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