Chinese Search Engines are Censoring Huobi, OKEx and Binance
Weibo and Baidu are reportedly censoring the keywords Huobi, Binance and OKEx in what seems to be a coordinated move, according to The Block.
As a result, the searches for these three keywords show no results on both platforms.
However, it seems that not all searches related to these keywords are censored on Baidu, since if we look for the terms “Huobi app download” instead of just “Huobi,” we get millions of results that still contain the exchange name. It should be taken into account that this is the very first time Baidu blocks crypto-related results based on keywords.
The case of Weibo is very similar. The platform, which is kind of the Chinese version of Twitter, has also censored all keywords and combination of keywords that include the names of Huobi, OKEx and Binance.
Last month the Chinese authorities banned local banks from providing services to crypto companies, so this new measure is just a new move in the fight of China against the crypto industry.