US Department of State Offers $10 Million for Information About DarkSide Hackers

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The US Department of State has offered a reward for information that may help identify members of hacker group DarkSide.

The US authorities are ready to pay up to $10 million for any information about the organizers and leaders of DarkSide.

In addition, the State Department has offered up to $5 million for data leading to the arrest of individuals involved in the DarkSide ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline.

Hackers attacked in May this year Colonial Pipeline, which provides fuel for about 45% of the population of the US East Coast. Due to the attack, the operation of the pipeline was disrupted.

According to media reports, the company paid 75 BTC to the attackers for the return of the stolen data. Shortly thereafter, the group announced the termination of its activities.

In June, the FBI returned most of the ransom paid.

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