Twitter Creates Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Division

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Social network Twitter has recently created a dedicated team to develop solutions for blockchain, cryptos, decentralized apps and DeFi.

Tess Rinearson has been chosen to lead Twitter Crypto. She has previously taken part in the development of the Tendermint Core protocol and has also participated in the and Cosmos projects. She said:

“I’m thrilled to share that I’ve joined Twitter, to lead a new team focused on crypto, blockchains, and other decentralized technologies—including and going beyond cryptocurrencies.”

According to the Financial Times, the division’s top priorities will be payments, ways for content creators to earn cryptocurrency and decentralization of the network.

Rinearson has recalled the social network has already allowed accepting donations in Bitcoin and announced NFT identification. According to her, the team will explore other innovations in this direction.

Twitter Crypto will handle everything Web 3 and will work closely with BlueSky’s initiative to decentralize social media, Rinearson has added.

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